Air Conditioning Duct Leakage Test:
Your Service Provider will use two sets of diagnostic equipment. The equipment shown in (Figure
1) is used to measure the amount of heated or cooled air that is wasted due to leaks in your air conditioning duct system.
It consists of a fan that is connected to the duct system at the return air grille. All of the remaining air conditioning
registers and grills are temporarily sealed with tape and then the fan is turned on to force air through the holes and cracks
in the air conditioning duct work. A precise measurement device then calculates the amount air leakage in the duct system
and your Service Provider can locate areas that require sealing. Once the duct system has been sealed, a second test will
be conducted to determine how much the air leakage rate has been reduced.
The equipment
in (Figure 2) must also be used in conjunction with the equipment above to provide an accurate assessment of the amount of
leakage in the air conditioning duct system. It consists of a fan that is temporarily sealed into an exterior door and blows
air into or out of your home to equalize the pressure difference between the inside of the house and air conditioning duct
Step 1:
Your Service Provider must assemble two sets of diagnostic
equipment to perform an air leakage test on your air conditioning duct system before any air sealing is applied to determine
the air leakage rate and the location of air leaks. This includes temporarily taping all of the air conditioning registers
and grills and then turning on the fans of the diagnostic equipment in (Figure 1) and (Figure 2) to force air through the
holes and cracks in the air conditioning duct work. This is called a pre-test.
Step 2:
The location of the air leaks are then determined by your Service Provider and sealed.
Step 3:
A second test is conducted to determine how much the air leakage rate of your air conditioning
duct system has been reduced. This is called a post-test.